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Solar Farm Security

Advanced solar farm security systems. Protecting utility scale solar farms.

Solar Farm Security Systems. Detect & Deter a Range of Threats. 

Protect revenue and secure assets with advanced solar farm security. Having secured over 200 utility-scale sites, TAN PHAT LONG ENGINEERING CORPORATION are specialist installers of solar farm security systems. Working with O&M and EPC clients, we deliver security systems to manage a range of threats.

Solar farms are often in remote locations and easily targeted by criminals. As a result, owners and operators of solar sites need to protect themselves against:

System design, along with the quality of installation will determine your solar site’s level of protection.

Our security systems for solar farms protect assets, revenue, and reduce false alarms. To offer total protection, the solar site security systems we design cover offsite CCTV monitoring, perimeter security, and advanced detection solutions.

Security for Solar Farms & Advanced Protection

Typically when working with TAN PHAT LONG ENGINEERING CORPORATION, O&M and EPC companies have two key security objectives.

Firstly, sites need to be secured to deter threats and maintain revenue. Secondly, reducing false alarms is critical to threat detection and overall system performance.

Furthermore, where onsite guards are deployed, CCTV monitoring can vastly reduce the operational cost of security. 

24-hour CCTV monitoring 

Perimeter protection 

Advanced detection 

AI-driven video analytics 

Thermal surveillance cameras 

Solar farm CCTV: Maintain revenue and reduce false alarms

Solar farm CCTV systems are a must for helping to reduce break-ins, theft, and vandalism on solar sites. Therefore, protecting large utility-scale solar farms can be a challenge. In short, thieves target solar sites for the panels, wiring, and expensive electrical equipment.

Furthermore, solar farm perimeters are often vast, offering criminals plenty of opportunity. Consequently, a robust perimeter CCTV surveillance system must be deployed to reduce the risk of crime.

As a specialist provider of security for solar farms, we recommend CCTV monitoring as the most effective solution. A monitored CCTV system provides 24/7 security. As a result, your site will be monitored, and assets protected 24 hours a day.

Additionally, we design these systems to include:

Ongoing system maintenance is highly recommended. In short, this reduces any impact the elements or wildlife has on your CCTV system.

Solar site perimeter protection: Advanced threat detection for solar farms

Perimeter protection systems for solar sites help reduce crime at UK solar farms. In short, perimeter protection and detection solutions secure your first line of defence against crime.

TAN PHAT LONG ENGINEERING CORPORATION has installed over 200 security systems at solar sites across the UK. As a result. we are well placed to design and install effective, threat detecting solar site perimeter protection systems.

The perimeter security systems we design include:

By nature, solar farms are expansive and cover a vast area. Accordingly, site perimeters are expansive offering plenty of scope for criminals.

Despite the highest levels of security, you can’t stop criminals from attempting to access your site.

However, the right security system will act as a robust deterrent.

Solar farm security system upgrades and maintenance

Concerned about the performance of your current security system?

Talk to us today about our solar farm security system technical audits, upgrades and maintenance service.

Often when conducting a security system audit, we encounter a range of issues. These include:

Furthermore, animals chewing through cabling can result in a system malfunction.

TAN PHAT LONG ENGINEERING CORPORATION’ team of renewable site security specialists will visit your solar farm and conduct a technical review of the current install. In brief, we suggest improvements and report on its suitability and performance.

These issues can be negated through improved system design and technical ability. However, all solar farm security systems need ongoing maintenance. In short, maintenance protects the site operator from the potential impact of crime.

Our maintenance agreements are delivered at pre-agreed intervals over the course of each year. Furthermore, we offer priority response times for ad hoc requests.

TAN PHAT LONG ENGINEERING CORPORATION - a solar farm security company you can trust

Our extensive solar site security experience can be summarised here:

Security Threats to Solar Farms

Solar sites are exposed to a range of security threats and challenges. Furthermore, the impact of crime can be costly, impacting revenue and operational continuity.

Threats need to be spotted fast. Consequently, action must be taken immediately. Standard CCTV and perimeter security systems don’t meet the requirements of O&M and EPC companies.

Our specialist security systems for solar sites help deter the following threats:

Solar Farm Security Systems - FAQs

Do solar farms need security?

The short answer is yes, solar farms do need security.

Panel theft, trespass, stolen wring, and plant machinery are often targeted by criminals. Therefore, as solar sites are often in remote locations, security systems are key to maintaining operational continuity.

The revenue that utility solar plants generate needs to be protected.  Well designed, and installed perimeter protection and CCTV systems will help meet the objective objectives of most O&M and EPC companies.

What are the different types of solar farm security systems?

To summarise the different types of solar farm security systems are:

Depending on budgets, and the scale of the site there are a number of different systems we recommend. Utility-scale sites are best protected through off-site CCTV monitoring and perimeter surveillance.

These sites are often vast and targeted by criminals. Solar panels and copper wiring are rich pickings for criminals. In the event of a break in or theft, operations are disrupted. Furthermore, the costs to replace solar panels impact revenue and margins.

To deter panel theft, high-res IP cameras should be deployed to provide full coverage within the site.

How can you deter solar panel theft?

Firstly, secure your site perimeter – it’s the first line of defence. Perimeter CCTV, offsite remote alarm monitoring, and advanced intruder detection will cover most bases.

Secondly, ensure your CCTV cameras provide full coverage of your site and leave no blind spots for criminals to exploit.

Finally, to reduce false alarms fit IR sensors to your cameras to improve object detection.

How do you reduce false alarms?

False alarms create challenges for operators of solar farms. Solar farms are usually in remote locations and wildlife is often left to graze around the site perimeter. Insects and other wildlife are often drawn to camera lenses and standard sensors.

If your cameras trigger too many false alarms, a CCTV monitoring station will often isolate these cameras.

What does that mean?

The cameras will still work, but they won’t be monitored increasing the risk of criminals entering your site undetected.

To reduce false alarms we recommend:

How can you protect solar farms from crime?

If you are looking to protect a solar farm from crime, there are various options depending on your objectives and the threats you face.

To summarise:

Security for solar farms is paramount. System design and camera selection are crucial to site protection.